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Siop Demo Shop

RhanFwyd Pensarn FoodShare – on Friday | ar ddydd Gwener

 The shopping form will be available here from the Wednesday before. |  Bydd y ffurflen siopa ar gael yma of ddydd Mercher ymlaen.

Important Notice | Neges bwysig

This is a demo shopping page. A link to the live shopping page will be sent out to members each week when available. | Tudalen siopa demo yw hwn. Bydd cyswllt gwe i’r dudalen siopa fyw yn cael ei hanfon i’r aelodau bob wythnos pan fydd ar gael.

Subscription rates are as follows | Mae cyfraddau tanysgrifio fel a ganlyn:


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £10.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £15.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £20.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £25.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £30.99


Up to Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £35.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £40.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £45.99


Shopping up to | Siopa hyd at £50.00